Ostford Ranch is exisiting since 2015 and was owned by Emma Monroe until Emma decided to leave the ranch and asked Sigrid and Nora to take over the ranch. While Emma was owning the Ostford Ranch she was focusing on breeding different western breeds. Now Sigrid and Nora decided to focus on breeds for Eventing and started breeding Great Swiss Shepherds and Doberman. Also they started two little projects. One project is taking Mustangs and get them used to people. The other project is a rescue for shetland ponies where they adopt older shetlandponies which are not wanted anymore or shetlandponies who have a sickness that can't be cured... while this project they want to show children how to take care of horses and let them be able to care for one pony. This project is still in progress so it will take a while until it will be fully introduced.